viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

Night Hoops

This book is about two teens that were basketball players and their names were Trent Dawson and Nick Abbott. At the start of the story, these two hated each other because Trent was a bully and his older brother, Zack, was a criminal. One day in a newspaper, it appeared that Zack killed a man in a bridge and the family had to get out of the city immediately. The team needed both Nick and Trent since they were the best players of the whole team, so Trent agreed to play only until they were the champions or the season ended and then he will leave. At the end, Nick and Trent´s team won the championship and these two enemies ended being friends just before the Dawson´s going to leave.

"Against the fast break, you have to stop the ball. That´s rule number one, even if it´s Trent Dawson, eyes wild, who´s barreling down the lane at you, and even if it´s just a summer pick-up game. You´ve still got to suck it up and do it. So I challenged him, holding my position, feet set."
At this point, in the start of the book, I realized that Trent was a bad guy and Nick has something against him.
"So the two of us stayed where we were. A minute went by, then another, and another. It was pleasant just to sit, not saying anything."
From this quote at the end of the book, I recognized how two persons that hate each other can end up being good friends and how life can present a lot of changes in a positive way all of a sudden.

This book has a really good message that is important that everyone knows. This message is that you should give always a second chance to everyone to change and they can end up giving you a big surprise. In this story, two people gave a second chance: Nick´s father gave Nick a second chance by focusing more on him and helping him to improve, and Nick did the same for Trent by being more flexible and letting him get his good things out and being his friend. It is really important to give other people an oportunity to change and end up being a better person on a court or wherever he or she is.