Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson reached Virginia Beach after escaping from Luke´s boat. Sea of Monsters was at the Bermuda Triangle and they were really close to it. After reaching there, Coast Guard started chasing them so they could know who they were. Annabeth took Percy and Tyson to a safe place that she built to hide from monsters or anybody who is chasing for her. Percy asked Tyson if he can go to find some donuts to eat and Tyson got out of the secret place and started searching for a place where he can buy some donuts. There were no donut places at the zone but Percy told that to Tyson, so he can talk to Annabeth.
When Tyson was back, he brought some donuts, but Percy couldn´t understand how he find them. Tyson told them that he found a place named: Monster Donuts and he went there to buy some of them. Annabeth knew that those places really had monsters and Tyson had just made them knew where they are. Not too much later a monster appeared and wanted to kill them, but suddenly something appeared and there was an explosion that blew the monster into ashes. It was Clarisse! She was in a boat named: CSS Birmingham and was going to the Sea of Monsters to complete the quest, Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson went aboard.
They reached the Sea of Monsters and Clarisse ordered to his captain to go to the entrance. There was a monster named: Scylla that protected the entrance, Clarisse ordered the captain to shoot. The monster started to attack and hit the boat, some part was damaged and Tyson knew what it was, he went to repaire it. Tyson finally repaired the boat but it was too late, Scylla hit again the boat and destroyed it. Tyson and the other people in the boat (except for Percy, Annabeth, and Clarisse) died. The small boats were launched and the CSS Birmingham with Tyson and the other people were destroyed.

After being at the small boats for some time they reached a place named: C.C.´s Spa & Resort and apparently it look normal and like there is nobody who can do any damage to anyone. C.C.´s real name was Circe and went with Percy to give him a massage, but she fooled him and instead of that she transformed him into a guinea pig and put him in a box. In that box were a lot of other guinea pigs. Annabeth went to rescue and transformed Percy again into a human, they discovered that the other guinea pigs were also half-bloods and heroes and they were also returned to its original shape. They escaped from there and find the Queen Anne´s Revenge that is the name of that boat. They were ready to return to the Sea of Monsters to find the Golden Fleece and rescue Grover from that Cyclops that kidnapped him.
"The place was amazing. There was white marble and blue water everywhere I look."(101) The place was very nice and ornate, but it only seemed to be like that, because that place represented a big danger for Percy.
"Percy requires my personal attention." Circe seems to be a nice person, but she is only acting like that to make Percy think that she is just a normal person so when they are alone she can do anything bad to Percy.
Percy and Annabeth keep escaping from a lot of places in this case from the CSS Birmingham and the C.C.´s Spa & Resort. At first Clarisse saves them from a monster that could kill them, but then she challenged another monster and almost killed both Percy and Annabeth and she did kill Tyson. They went to the Spa & Resort that seemed to be nice but it was a trap just for converting Percy into a guinea pig. They find the Queen Anne´s Revenge and they were going back to the Cyclops´s home to kill him and save Grover and the Fleece.